Entwicklung eines Eigenbau-Organischen-Feldeffekttortransistors im Rahmen der Curricularen Innovationsforschung
Title of the Thesis
This project aims to build an OFET (organic field-effect transistor) via cheap and easy to access materials for experimental use in teaching. The experiment wants to become a part of an experimental-series that already builds cheap OLEDs and OPVs for experimental use in teaching.
LabBreak: Konzeption und Erprobung eines Escape Rooms als Schülerlaboreinheit zum Thema „Organische Säuren“
Title of the Thesis
This thesis aims to design an escape room on the topic of organic acids. The escape room is intended to extend the student lab ILUP program and will be tested as a unit of the ILUP. This thesis is meant to build up the first prototype of the escape room, so that it can be evaluated and further developed in further work.
Evaluation des fächerübergreifenden Escape Game „Rettet die Insel“ bezüglich Lernmotivation und Akzeptanz
Title of the Thesis
In this master thesis the Escape Game „Rettet die Insel“ will be tested in school. The motivation of the students to learn will be tested to see if it increases or decreases. The teachers‘ acceptance of the method will also be examined.